revistã online de informare, documentare si prezentare a creatiei artistice a elevilor din scoala tarpesti |
video - on line (strainatate) |
Secvente video care prezinta activitatea unor artisti din strainatate.
- Bill Viola - Ocean Without a Shore - Venice Biennale 2007 |
www.youtube.com |
- Bill Viola - Heaven and Earth 1992 |
video - on line (romania) |
Secvente video care prezinta activitatea unor artisti din Romania.
www.youtube.com |
- Dan Perjovschi - WHAT HAPPENED TO US?, at MoMA (Part 1) |
www.youtube.com |
- Dan Perjovschi - WHAT HAPPENED TO US?, at MoMA (Part 2) |
www.youtube.com |
- Dan Perjovschi - Stuff at Galerija Gregor Podnar Berlin |